Monday, 5 March 2007

Tickets to ride!!

Well our tickets arrived on Saturday (GASP!!)
Its great to actually see them in black and white and touch them because it confirms that its really happening and were really going!!!!
We went into Watford yesterday and got the Rough Guide to South America, its a really good book and gives you a great insight into all the different places, climate, things to see, accommodation etc.
These travel guides are all well and good but I cant wait for the day when somebody actually comes up with a light weight version.
The one that we've bought will probably take up most of Matt's baggage allowance its that heavy!
We'll just have to tear pages out as we go along to make it lighter.
Matt been taking the micky because Ive bought a First Aid kit and some expensive trekking socks.
I know for a fact he will thank me for both when his feet are blistered and sore or he gets a cut.
Its easy to laugh about it now in the comfort of our nice flat with all our home comforts around us...
The closest thing we'll get to a home comfort while were travelling will probably be a shared bathroom with hundreds of other backpackers!!

1 comment:

Palace Fan thats a NEW Dad said...

Well I have loads of tips to help and what to take the main one being take a plug for the sink ! They never have them in hostels as they get nicked.

We took a sterile needle kit, dentist kit and a first aid kit !! Thankfully they all came back quite intact

Books - Yeah we said we would tear pages out etc BUT in the end we kept all our travel books with Post it tags and highlights and sent them back as we was about to leave. Dont bother with an Oz / New Zealand one before you go because you can buy them just before you leave Fuji or where ever you are.

Talk soon,