Friday 9 March 2007

Daylight Robbery

Did anybody see the BBC Breakfast news this morning?, they were interviewing a politician about the Council Tax increases that are due to be announced soon. They discussed the possibility of people who have a nice view from their home, or a conservatory etc to be charged more council tax than somebody who has a view from their home that looks like something out of the intro to Coronation Street (rows of houses, lines full of washing and cats napping)
Have you ever heard anything so ridiculous..
At work recently we were having a conversation about the term "Daylight Robbery" and where the saying comes from. Well it's very similar to this new proposed way of charging council tax, the bigger your house and the more windows you had, the more you would have to pay in "Window Tax", which basically meant that if you were working class but had lots of windows in your property you would have to pay quite a hefty tax for the "privilege".
To avoid paying this tax, people would brick up their windows, and that is where the saying comes from "Daylight Robbery"
See the attached link for more details.

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