Thursday, 8 March 2007


I've just been on the phone to our Dr's surgery regarding our travel vaccinations..
Im not particularly keen on injections as it is, so it's not something I've been in a hurry to do, I have now been told that it is going to cost us in excess of £200 each!!
How do they work that out?, surely if somebody wants to stick needles in you they should be paying us!!
It's not really the kind of thing you can avoid either is it, there are also no budget options for vaccinations (as if there would be).
So what with my trip to the dentist before we go for two fillings and my injections, it looks like my bonus is going to come in extremely handy!!
On a more positive note.. I booked some tickets online yesterday to go up the Empire State Building, it will be my 2nd time up there, 1st time was when I went with my work colleagues in November 05.
Me and Matt both hate heights so were gonna be in for a fun time, I wouldn't mind going up there in the evening actually and see New York lit up.
People at work keep asking me when we actually leave and every time I answer it always seems to be "in about 8 weeks"
I actually had a dream last night that we were away in some far off place and I went into my ruck sack for a change of clothes, and guess what!!, I hadn't taken any!!
I think that's an omen and that my subconscious is telling me to take twice as much, just in case :o)

1 comment:

Palace Fan thats a NEW Dad said...

Thats loads of money, I don't remember having to pay that much ! I will check with Faye. Have you phoned around because I dont think that you have to use "your" doctor.

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