Just back in Boston long enough to use the Internet (the decent Internet Cafe with nice shiny Macs) before getting the bus back to NYC and then flying to Ecuador. I can honestly say this first 3 weeks in the States has been a great start and we've had a really relaxing time. The people are really friendly, if a little loud, and obviously as it's English speaking it's easy to get around, ask for rooms, order huge portions of dinner. Which leads me on to the subject of this post...
Now we all know the rumours of the portion size in America, the general laziness of the inhabitants and the size of the waistlines. Well I'd like, once and for all, to categorically confirm that all these rumours are TRUE!! Godammit!
I'll start with the waistlines; i'd say that 50% of Americans have BIG waistlines, or to put it bluntly are fat. Now, having been aquainted with 2 at Comet (where I work, or where I work when I'm at home) one who I sat opposite in Ricky who was lean and fit (actively fit, not fit in a gay way) and the other who worked in Hull who was/is a BIG lad to say the least. Now we've just come from the beach this morning and some of the people; men,women and kids are absolutely massive and when you see what they shove down their throats you can understand why (N.B. bear in mind that today we've eaten fish and chips for breakfast/lunch and a Dunkin' Donut for lunch/dinner!).
Now the labels on all the food detail (in a great deal of detail) the breakdown by Carbs, fibre, salt, trans fat, unsaturated fat and god knows what other kind of fat even telling you the percentage your allowed for each one daily. I reckon Americans are illeterate too, either that or they just don't @#%*ing bother to read the labels. One other thing; you all must have seen the labels on food at home saying "This may contain traces of Nuts" to warn those weirdos who can't eat nuts. Now on a carton of milk in the first place we stayed in New York it actually had written on "Milk*" at the top; underneath in small print it said "This contains Milk". What the hell else is it going to contain?!??!
Right this is turning into a bit of a rant about Americans and it's not supposed to be that so i'll leave it there. On a positive note, as I said before, we have had a great time here, the people are REALLY friendly, the food is REALLY good (if a little too much of it) and there is some fantastic scenery (mountains, rivers, lakes) and probably one of the best cities in the world (New York). I would recommend everyone pushing aside their misconceptions of "the US of A" and pay a visit (just bring a stomach pump!)
Adios (next post will be in Ecuador!)
p.s. one other thing, the size of the cars over here is also big. The four wheel drives (or SUV's as they call them) are as big as our old flat. Mind you I suppose if you have a BIG family of fat b@stards your average Vauxhall Corsa ain't gonna be able to carry 'em!
The end of the blog
14 years ago
Matt, sounds like you need to get out of there, mind you, it might not be as cosy next place your ar egoing, so don't bithc too much :o) Will email you soon.
Quote: 'The most important trip you may take in life is meeting people halfway.'
A very wise man once said:
"It's my way, It's my way, It's my way - my way or the highway"
Fred Durst.
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