Monday, 21 May 2007

Now then!!!

Hey all, we are now in the Lake region of New Hampshire, we drove up from Cape Cod yesterday, the rain was horrific all the way here, and to make it worse the Americans do not drive with thier side lights which made visibility even worse, was not a very pleasurable drive, it took us about 4 hours.
We came straight to a place called Meredith, which is a little resort on Lake WinnIpesaukee, with NO accomodation, even though our guide book said that it had loads (ok so the guide book is Steen's and from 1999), anyway we had a drive round the place, in fact we probably went round three or four times just to make sure we hadn't missed anything, once we were sure we hadn't we agreed to head for a place called Lincoln, which is further North and in the White Mountains.
Just as we were heading out we came across a myriad of Motels, B&B's and other such types of accomodation, so we booked in at a little motel (it is not sleazy, I dont know about anybody else but I always associate Motels with sleaze, maybe from my childhood when I used to watch Crossroads and Miss Dianne was having it away with Benny from the garage!!), so this motel is lovely, it cost us $118 for 2 nights (which is less than half our budget for one night) and it even has a swimming pool right outside our door!!
Today we took the ferry across the Lake, it was lovely and scenic as you would expect and we will upload some pics soon.
Internet is very difficult to find out of the big cities, so apologies for any unanswered emails but its difficult to update the blog, answer emails, book accomodation, check weather, upload photos etc.
We stayed in a lovely place in Yarmouth Inn at Lewis Bay we were really spoilt, home baked muffins for breakfast and home made cookies every afternoon. If anybody ever decides to comer to Cape Cod, you should stay here (if it's good enough for Gordon Brown)
The only down side was that it never stopped raining all the time we were there so we couldnt do much :o(
Tomorrow we are driving up the Kancamagus Pass which is through the White Mountain National Park we will be snap happy there and post some pics ASAP.
Right that's it from me as Matt is itching to get on (only 1 Internet terminal in the whole of Laconia)
Thanks for all your emails.

P.S Not missing work at all!! (just in case you forgot)

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