Saturday, 19 May 2007

Pikey FM

Well i thought i'd better post as it's been a while; plus Michelle seems to be hogging the blog a bit! We're in Provincetown on Cape Cod which is possibly the Gayest place I have ever been in my life! It's full of 'em! There are also lots of Fudge shops for some reason, seriously, if anyone needs a job fudge packing then this is the place. Still, it's a nice town with plenty of weird shops and art galleries. It's a shame it's been raining here really.

We've got a hire car now so are a bit more mobile and as the weather's not been that great, we've been driving up and down the Cape. The town's seem to repeat a bit every 5 miles with a stretch of Dunkin' Doughnuts, KFC and McDonalds and you get a touch of Deja Vu; "haven't we just driven past this?" but i seem to remember it being similar in Phoenix, Arizona.

The best thing about having a car though is being able to listen to all the "middle of the road trashy American (so-called) Rock Music" on the radio. On the way down from Boston we were listening to a radio station called Pikey FM (it's actually called Pixey FM but on the radio display it looks like Pikey). I was expecting lots of gypsies playing pennywhistles and bongos but all it plays is 70's Rock and American Rock (e.g. Foriegner, Chicago, Michael Bolton). The recipe for these type of bands/songs is below:

Recipe for American Rock Number 1 Song:

1.At least 4 long-haired (fe)males with perms. (it doesn't matter if you have boys or girls as noone call tell the difference - think BonJovi, Europe, Def Leppard, RightSaidFred)
2.Nice guitar sound with just a touch of chorus.
3.Bridge section of song with a semitone key change.
4.Thumping chorus where each band member sings in a slightly different key (think Flying Pickets - ba da ba dum, ba da ba dum, ba da da dum - you get the idea)
5.Second Verse and Chorus.
6.Final Chorus - half an octave higher to fade (this is the bit when Westlife all stand up from the chairs and take a step forward).

Well I'm running out of time now so best be off , I won't need to come back home as I'll be writing a series of chart-topping number 1 singles for the rest of my life of here in the US.

p.s. Keith, if your reading, haven't heard any Slayer yet!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm reassured to hear that Slayer are not suffering indignity of being broadcast on Pixey FM ;)