Saturday, 26 May 2007

Bye Bye to all that American Pie!!

Well were back in the City of Boston after our jaunt in the Mountains.
We have dropped the hire car back and are now just waiting to get the bus back to NYC at 8pm this evening (takes about 4 hours) we then fly to Ecuador from JFK (via San Jose) at 6.30am (Sunday)
We have had an AMAZING time in the U.S and enjoyed every minute of it.
Last night we stopped off at a beach resort Hampton Beach about an hour from Boston, it was just like a sea side resort in the U.K, full of yawping chavs and pikys, all grossly overweight wearing ill fitting cheap clothes, with lots of kids covered in flies, loads of barry'd up motors too.
The beach was swamped with people and litter (or garbage as they call it over here) people just floating about in the Atlantic amongst dunkin donut cups and Mcdonald wrappers!
Matt enjoyed it though as there were also lots of scantily clad females parading about in their bikini's ;o)
On the way back to Boston today we stopped at another beach resort, Salisbury Beach, that was exactly the same but more run down and less scantily clad women.
We did manage to get Haddock and Chips yesterday though, what a treat to get proper fish and chips when your miles away from home!!
Yesterday was a bit of an eye opener for us both to be honest, it was a really really hot day (above 90c) and really humid, there were just hundreds of Monster Trucks bumper to bumper trying to get parked in this beach resort, imagine a large 4x4 in the U.K and times the size by 3, that is the average size of an American vehicle, nobody drives cars.
Then there was all the food that goes to waste, and believe me as much as the U.S love their grub, they also throw so much away, and they don't bat an eye lid, NOBODY recycles (I know I've already mentioned this) but it's unbelieveable to think that a country seemingly as intelligent and clued up as they are can be so oblivious to Global Warming and the damage they are doing to the environment they live in.
Everything is on a MASSIVE scale here, you have to see it to really believe it, anyway rant over...
Having the car has been great, we have been to so many places and obviously it's great to not have to carry your ruck-sack about, that said I have got the packing of it down to a fine art now, and I could quite easily have packed all the stuff that I wanted to bring but couldnt fit it in as I hadn't packed it properly (a blessing in disguise)
Last night we had to get the maintenance guy in as our bathroom door had locked itself and we couldnt get in, he asked us if there was anybody in there?!?!?
On Wednesday we did a 11 mile hike (it should have been 5.5 miles) we were under the impression that it was a round trip (which it said on the leaflet we picked up) thinking that it was one of those walks where you finish up where you started, well that would have been perfect, but we read it wrong (what was that I was saying about been a proficient map reader??) and what it meant was that it was a 5 mile round trip i.e 2.5 miles there, 2.5 miles back, durgh!!
Needless to say we weren't impressed with ourselves, can you imagine having walked over 5 miles thinking you must be "nearly there" only to be met with a sign post that says "back that way loser and it's another 5 miles back"
I could have cried, my legs were scrathed to pieces when we got back, and after we'd had a bath and gone out for some food we were walking like Frankenstein we were so stiff!
Im not sure if anybody knows (apart from those closest to me) about my absolute fear of creepy crawlies, when I say creepy crawlies I dont just mean spiders, I mean flies, ants, wasps, earwigs, beatles, moths, butterflies.. you starting to get the picture??
I am terrified of anything that's alive and moves that comes near me that isn't human or an animal.
Up to now it's been pretty tame with only a few hysterical outbursts, for instance an ant has passed me in the street (Im not that bad) but I know that Sth America is going to be alive with "creatures" and Im dreading it.
I have sat down with Matt and explained in great detail my fears, and try to make a comparrison with something he is afraid of (flying) I have also told him that he is not to lose his temper with me if I suddenly lose the plot if something lands on me, I have also asked him not to tell me if he finds something in our room, but just to remove it and not alert my attention to it.
I will keep you updated...
We bought another phone card yesterday, they only had a $20 one so we had to buy that, which is ok as we can also use it in Sth America, when you dial the number you want to ring you get a recorder message that tells you how much credit the card holds and how long it will permit you to talk, so in an American accent it said to me "you can talk for 1 day 8 hours", now dont get me wrong I love to talk but even I would struggle to talk for that long!!
Well were three weeks in now and it's all going just great, were getting on really well despite been with each other 24/7 and I only hope that the rest of our trip is going to be as enjoyable as the last 3 weeks have been..
Ecuador here we come!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You think americans are bad in eco environment, wait till you get to south america, they don't even know the word and as for flying insects and crummy hostels, hmmmmmm............ Sounds you are loving it, good for you.

Quote: 'Now I know why they tell you to put your head between your knees on crash landings. You think you're going to kiss your ass good-bye.'