Monday, 14 May 2007

Bustling Boston

Well we arrived in Boston yesterday, thanks to Peter Pan, no we didnt fly here it's the name of the bus company! I worked it out, it's 217 miles, almost like the drive from Ricky to Hull!!!
Well as you know on Saturday we were heading for the Bronx Zoo, well what a school boy error that was!, we emerged from the subway into what I can only describe as the Lions Den!, it was a bit intimidating to say the least, talk about standing out like a sore thumb. We couldnt find the zoo either so we asked a cop where the nearest subway was (so we didnt have to go back the dodgy way we came) and jumped back on the subway to Central Park.
Saturday night we managed the Empire Building, we queued for about 90 minutes so when we actually got up there it was just getting dark, it was absolutely amazing, we've both been up before but during the day, the view by night really is something else. Apparently it attracts 35,000 visitors a day, the fee to get in is $18, I'll leave you to do the maths!!, there are also 16,000 employees who work in there.
It was sad leaving New York, it was a fantastic kick off for our travels and we are both really glad we built it into or trip.
So as I said we arrived yesterday by bus and then got the train to our "new hostel", well it can only be described as something out of a Scooby Doo movie, the one where everything creaks, everything is dusty, its dark and dingy, oh yeah and it smells fusty, luckily we are only booked in for 4 nights, the guy who booked us in is also a Hell's Angel (good job there's locks on the doors). It is fully booked up at the moment and last night it was really noisy, so much so we were tempted to go out and tell everybody to shut it!! we never though ;o)
In the guest book somebody has signed in as Phil Mitchell, address:Albert Square.
Today we did a walk called The Freedom Trail, it takes in 16 locations that played a part in the city's colonial and Revolutionary history which is linked by a three mile red painted path., we have walked miles since we've been here, it certainly beats been sat at a computer for 7.5 hours a day!
Matt had fish and chips last night, Icelandic Haddock, they don't have it in newspaper with loads of salt and vinegar like we do though!!
Tomorrow we are going to the Harvard University for a nosey, at the end of May its graduation for all the students, so all the accommodation gets booked up really quickly as all the "mooooms and daaaaaads" come to see their kids, luckily we will be leaving for Ecuador by that time so will miss it.
Matt is just booking us some luxury accommodation in Cape Cod, we reckon we deserve to sleep in a clean bed in a place run by "normal people" for a coupla nights at least, plus because the pound is so strong against the U.S dollar we are well within our budget, so we can afford to lord it :o)
We will upload so more pics later this week.
Before I go I just want to say well done Amanda for completing the 5k run on Sunday for Cancer, go girl Im proud of you!! and Anna, not sure if this is an Omen but there is a pub here called "Mother Annas", I hope it is an omen, I will have my fingers crossed for you and RRB :o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwww Michelle - how sweet was that. So lovely to get a little personal message and something special too. You would be the first to know chick (well after RRB of course) - our kid would need a cool auntie ;O)

I get more and more envious of your travels everyday! I think the whole of the NHS now knows you are on t'other side of the world!!

Lots and lots of love to you both. Again, be safe.

Anna ...and RRB XXXX