Well lets get straight to the point, I've just proposed to Michelle! Yes, that's right we're going to get married, not sure where, when or how yet but I'm sure most of you who are reading this will be invited to the special day. That's it really, nothing else to say, but again have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Adios until 2008!
The end of the blog
14 years ago
Fantastic news guys. So happy for you!!
Congratulations kids! Can't wait to celebrate this one - hurry home!
Thanks for all the comments , it's starting to sink in now!!
What a wonderful ending to your RTW trip.
Take care, lots of love to you both XX
So utterly thrilled for you both. It has been Michelle's dream to be your wife probably since the day she met you!! You make the most wonderful couple and I am sure your marriage will be one filled with lots of love and lots of laughter.
Anna and RRB
Congratulations guys! Great news.
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