Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Mafted in Malaysia

We arrived in Malaysia on Monday after a 5 hour bus trip from Singapore. I was sorry to leave Singapore as I really did love it, but the temptation to shop was killing me, so we left there more for my own safety than anything. I would love to visit the place again and take my mum, she would LOVE it and would make an ideal shopping companion.

The border crossing into Malaysia was really plain sailing, and we got yet another stamp on our already bursting at the seems passports. I know we have only been in Asia for a few days, but already it is evident that when we started our trip in South America we really were throwing ourselves in at the deep end. Travel in Asia is extremely easy, in part as there is no language barrier, but also because the route were taking is also so well travelled. It makes me more proud of myself though when I think of some of the situations we found ourselves in, within a few weeks of leaving the safety and comfort of our lives as they were then. Within 3 weeks of leaving home we were on a 40 minute flight in Ecuador (speaking no Spanish at all) that would get us to a connecting bus into the Amazon for 5 very hairy days. Pretty impressive even if I do say so myself.

We have both agreed that next time we come travelling (we're aiming for Matt's 40th) we will miss out westernised countries and stick to places like South/Central America and more of Asia. It is far more interesting and challenging, and you learn so much about different cultures, religions and it also gives you such a greater geographical and political understanding of the world.

I wasn't the most academic of pupils at school, in so much as most of the time I didn't even go to school as I hated it that much. I actually left school having taken no exams at all and got a job working on a YTS in the local supermarket for 27.50GBP a week. But ultimately your future isn't about academic achievements and what grades you passed at school. The best education I have ever had is this trip around the world. It should be compulsory. I have learnt so much these last 7 months and met so many interesting people, and none of these experiences can be learnt through a book or a classroom. It's about getting out there and living life among the locals, it is priceless.

We are in Kuala Lumper now, we will probably stay here for a few days as it is a big place with lots to do (including shops) Melaka was a great place, the Malaysians are so laid back it's untrue. There are also many different religions here but they all seem to live harmoniously with no undercurrent of bad feeling.

The hostel we stayed at in Melaka was a bit of an eye opener, although it is no worse than some that we stayed in in Sth America. It was that bad that I did actually attempt to clean the bathroom (I am my mothers daughter) but to no avail. It was always going to be difficult with a tin of vim and a nail brush, but at least I tried. The toilet didn't flush, it was the sort where you have to fill a pan of water (or any other receptacle you may have to hand) and do the job yourself, which if it were your own toilet at home may not be too much of a chore. But when you consider there were about 30 other guests sharing this toilet, well I don't think I need to go on!! Mind you it was only 5GBP a night for both of us so you can't grumble eh??

We're heading up to the Cameron Highlands after KL and will do a few days touring the tea plantations. It may sound quite dull to you office folk but we're actually looking forward to it, I'm hoping that we actually get a decent brew while we're there too. One thing I have missed about home is a decent cup of Yorkshire tea at my mum and dads (one of life's simple pleasures ;o)) The only thing about the Cameron Highlands is that they are in a kind of, dare I say it "jungle" kind of area. So as much as I'm looking forward to the tea, I know it will be a tense couple of days and will really push my reserve to the limit. But as I said earlier, that's what we came for and that is what it's all about.

After the CH we're not sure whether to go up to Penang or head straight into Thailand, we will play it by ear for now and see how it goes.

Matt has posted our first Asian pics today so do enjoy them from the comfort of your arm chairs in the freezing cold he he!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Next trip - backpacking with Saga?
Take care XX