Friday, 29 January 2010

Baby Baby!!

Well I don't know if there's something in the water or what, but almost everyone we know (about our age) is having or has recently had children!!
Now I know it's only natural when you get to our age that people will be starting / extending their families, but it is all the people that I least expected it from.
You know the sort of people that you think you have a "real" connection with because none of you want children!!
It seems me and Matt are amongst the minority in our choice to remain childless.
Having said that we have just had a lovely weekend with Gary and Eve and their two Ella (19 months) and Xander (8 weeks)they are bloody hard work though!
Gary and Eve hardly had a minute to themselves as they constantly fed, changed and entertained their tots.
As cute as they both are (the kids not Gary and Eve)we are still sure that kids are not for us. We may increase the head count of guinea pigs when we get our own house but that's as close to parenting we are going to come ;-)
Congrats to those of you who have recently revealed their baby news(identities remain anonymous)I think we have just about over come the shock!!

Wedding planning is coming along nicely, although I wish somebody could do it all for us, what started out to be a low key / cost affair is already running into the thousands, and that is without going mad on things that are not needed. We have booked some cracking entertainment for the evening and I'm sure it will be a memorable occasion for all the right reasons!
We have talked about honeymoon destinations but we are still undecided as to what were going to do, might be a mini RTW trip, we might also go back to the Maldives for some R&R, which I'm sure we will both need once the wedding is over.
I wouldn't make a very good project manager, not when it came to managing budgets anyway. Either that or I genuinely underestimated the cost of "wedding" type things!

Bryn and Smiffy are fit and healthy and very settled now, we have them out a couple of times a week for a little cuddle (more for my benefit than Matt's ;-)) They are both completely different personalities. Bryn is the friendlier of the two and will let you stroke him, will come to you for food and is generally very sociable. Smiffy however is the complete opposite, he won't let you stroke him and run off as soon as you go near the cage to put his food in. He also fidgets a lot when we have them both out, where as Bryn will sit quite contentedly.
Love em to bits though, they are ever so funny, and really nice little creatures to have.

I've been on holiday for two weeks, which has been bliss. Matt was off for the 1st week too but the second week I've had all to myself. I've really enjoyed the break and could get used to being off!
However with a wedding to arrange and two Guinea Pigs to keep looks like there's no chance!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And I thought the weekend would have changed your mind guys.....I mean it's only 18 years before they leave for Uni.
