Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Giz a job

Sorry it's taken me so long to blog, it's just that I'm living a normal life like everybody else now so I'm a bit stumped for a topic! I will make an effort though as I know people are still looking us up, so thanks all you avid readers!

Well life 'Ooop North' is all I hoped it would be, it is fantastic to be 'home' where all my friends and family are. My mum and dad have never gone through so many tea bags (and cake for Matt!!) We're staying with Stew and Kirsty at the moment and that's great too, they have got a lovely big house and we have been made right at home, they've even laid us on a wide screen TV and DVD player in our room ;o)

We have spent the last couple of weeks catching up with everybody and everything, although I have to say very little changes. Everybody is still going about their day to day business while me and Matt get under everybody's feet. I have been looking for a new job, a task in itself in Hull, and I have a few 'irons in the fire' so to speak. Unless you're willing to work for 12.5k though you're a bit limited as to what you can do. Yesterday I went to the job centre to sign on for the 1st time. It was an experience in itself. I had been a week or so earlier to make a new claim and was done up like a dogs dinner as I had just had an interview at a recruitment agency. Needless to say I stuck out like a sore thumb. The guy who my appointment was with was 20 minutes late seeing me and when I finally did have the pleasure, he stunk of beer! He had very little interest in getting me a job which wouldn't have been so bad if he tried to hide the fact. Don't get me wrong I wasn't expecting to come out of there with a 30k job, company car and all the trimmings kind of job tucked under my belt, but he didn't ask me the 1st thing about me, typical male I suppose!!!!!!

So this week when I went back I had to 'sign on' and then prove what I had been doing to find work. Well believe me short of going door to door looking for jobs, I have been very busy trying to find something suitable. I had it all documented on the silly form that they give you to keep. When I sat down he asked me in his best Hull accent 'So Michelle, what ave you bin doin to find work' well this was my opening gambit, I blurted it all out, I didn't stop for breath for about 30 seconds. He was shocked, the only thing he could come back with was ' Did you remember to look in the 'Ull Daily Mail on Wednesday' (it's jobs nght in our local rag on a Wednesday, and yes of course I looked!) I told him that yes I had, but to be honest it was a load of twaddle. He then said "Well that's as good as it get's in Hull, that's Hull for yer'.

What I want to know is who employed that big hapless b*&$@rd, how can somebody as BIG (and believe me he was) and gormless as him have a job and I have to rely on the likes of him to get me back into work!! What chance have I got?, any road rant over.

We went to Hornsea at the weekend with Kirsty's mum's dog, it was great. We took him on the beach for a frisk about and he loved it. It was a freezing cold day and the wind was whipping round our ankles and through our layers, it was great to get some fresh sea air though. Another good thing about living in Hull is that you are right on the coast, well good unless there's ever a Tsunami I suppose. Tomorrow we are off up to Scarborough for the day with my folks, so that will be another bracing day no doubt.

Since we got back we have done loads of walking, when we were travelling we literally walked for miles and miles so now that we're home walking down to the local shop or into town is nothing, wheras before we went we would have just jumped in the car. Travelling does make you appreciate so many little things that we take for granted on a day to day basis.

On Sunday we went out with some people from Comet, Hull, again it was good to see so many friendly faces (some not so friendly) I had a good old hangover on Monday morning as a result, luckily there was no work though ;o)

So that's about it in a nut shell, loving life and glad to be back!


Anonymous said...

Was it Matt who had a frisk on the beach or Kirsty's Mum's dog??..........

Anonymous said...

Fat, useless bastards are usually given 'responsible' positions to get em out the way of the real work. Eh Mat!
Best lay off the walking if you really wanna look the part.

Palace Fan thats a NEW Dad said...

Nice to see you blogging! See you soon when things settle down.

Thanks for the card !
