Were now in the Abel Tasman region after working our way up the wet and miserable West Coast, and it's still wet and miserable! It hasn't stopped raining for almost 3 days now!!
We went up to Lake Wanaka after Queenstown and stayed there for a night, we managed to get out and do some walking, even though it was blowing a gale. It's a nice little place but not a great deal going on there. After Lake Wanaka we headed 'Up North' to Franz Josef where we were hoping to go up in a helicopter over the Glaciers and then do some walking on them. Well unfortunately the weather would not permit heli rides up there, so we didn't manage to see the Glacier at all. We wouldn't have even been able to see it from the viewing areas as the visibility was so poor. Heavy rain and cloud is how I will remember Franz Josef, which is a shame, especially for Matt as this was on his list of top things to see and do.
We left there after one night, in the persisting rain and headed further North towards Nelson, by now it had been raining over 24 hours, with no respite. We really were feeling quite deflated, it's not just showers, it really is throwing it down. We decided to spend the day driving as we knew we wouldn't be able to do anything if we stopped off anywhere, we arrived at a small town called Murcheson yesterday at about 4pm. Miraculously the rain stopped, the cloud began to break and we managed to see a bit of blue sky, hurrah! It was to be short lived though as it was raining again within a couple of hours and hasn't stopped since.
The campsite we stayed at yesterday was lovely, in a really rural setting, it was quite idyllic really. When we were checking in the woman who owns it told me she had a baby lamb that they were hand rearing and that she would be out to feed it soon if I wanted to have a look. Well me being the animal lover I am didn't need telling twice, we parked "the shed" up and I went across to the lamb enclosure where there were 3 lambs and a sheep. The story is that one of the lambs is a triplet (2 boys one female) and she wasn't getting any milk from her mother as they boys were taking it all, so they decided to feed her themselves. She is beautiful at 1 month old and she is called Amanda. Now for those of you that work in ecomet and are reading this the first person that will spring to mind is Amanda Hodson! Well I'm sorry to say that unlike AH this lamb really was as pure as the driven snow ;-) She was bleating her little lungs out as we came up to give her the bottle of milk, and she guzzled it down greedily, nearly taking the bottle from my hand (see pic) It was a great experience, and I have to say I was a bit sorry to leave after the morning feed today. She is in great health though and is eating grass too now which is a good sign (obviously)
We went up to Lake Wanaka after Queenstown and stayed there for a night, we managed to get out and do some walking, even though it was blowing a gale. It's a nice little place but not a great deal going on there. After Lake Wanaka we headed 'Up North' to Franz Josef where we were hoping to go up in a helicopter over the Glaciers and then do some walking on them. Well unfortunately the weather would not permit heli rides up there, so we didn't manage to see the Glacier at all. We wouldn't have even been able to see it from the viewing areas as the visibility was so poor. Heavy rain and cloud is how I will remember Franz Josef, which is a shame, especially for Matt as this was on his list of top things to see and do.
We left there after one night, in the persisting rain and headed further North towards Nelson, by now it had been raining over 24 hours, with no respite. We really were feeling quite deflated, it's not just showers, it really is throwing it down. We decided to spend the day driving as we knew we wouldn't be able to do anything if we stopped off anywhere, we arrived at a small town called Murcheson yesterday at about 4pm. Miraculously the rain stopped, the cloud began to break and we managed to see a bit of blue sky, hurrah! It was to be short lived though as it was raining again within a couple of hours and hasn't stopped since.
The campsite we stayed at yesterday was lovely, in a really rural setting, it was quite idyllic really. When we were checking in the woman who owns it told me she had a baby lamb that they were hand rearing and that she would be out to feed it soon if I wanted to have a look. Well me being the animal lover I am didn't need telling twice, we parked "the shed" up and I went across to the lamb enclosure where there were 3 lambs and a sheep. The story is that one of the lambs is a triplet (2 boys one female) and she wasn't getting any milk from her mother as they boys were taking it all, so they decided to feed her themselves. She is beautiful at 1 month old and she is called Amanda. Now for those of you that work in ecomet and are reading this the first person that will spring to mind is Amanda Hodson! Well I'm sorry to say that unlike AH this lamb really was as pure as the driven snow ;-) She was bleating her little lungs out as we came up to give her the bottle of milk, and she guzzled it down greedily, nearly taking the bottle from my hand (see pic) It was a great experience, and I have to say I was a bit sorry to leave after the morning feed today. She is in great health though and is eating grass too now which is a good sign (obviously)

We've been reading lots over the last few weeks, especially when the weather is like this. I picked up a great book in Auckland called The Boss, and it is a really good read. I would recommend it to all my (ex) colleagues at Comet to read. Basically it is made up of lots of different horror stories employees have about their bosses, and things that they have suffered at work, how it impacts their home life etc. There really are some shocking examples in there and probably some that you may be able to relate to. I think I can safely say that I have never worked for anybody quite as horrific as some of these people. It is written by author Andrew O'keeffe, check out the website for more info http://www.greatbosses.com/
Ooo, I think the sun is on it's way out, I should probably take a photo!!
Ooo, I think the sun is on it's way out, I should probably take a photo!!
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