Thursday, 21 June 2007

Living it up in Lima!!

Last night we arrived in Lima, the capital of Peru.
It is a massive bustling City and really is a beautiful place, especially compared to Quito (the capital of Ecuador) which seems to be the poor relation by comparison.
There is very little poverty, it is much cleaner and not as run down.
We were recommended a hotel by Ozelyne (The French Tour Guide whose link I´ve added to our blog) so we headed straight here from the bus depot, despite the taxi driver trying to get us somewhere else (they get a kick back from the hotels/hostals)
The hotel is 3* and is costing us 10GBP a night, including breakfast.
It's very basic though, so basic in fact that we didn't have any towels this morning when I got a shower, plus I had to run the tap for a few minutes to get rid of the rusty water from the pipes!!!
It is in a great location though and well worth 10 pound a night of any body's money.
Oh yeah we can also get BBC World on the TV which is an absolute bonus.
This morning we booked some internal flights to take us from Lima to Cusco, we fly on Sunday morning at 5.50!!
It was either a 1 hour flight or a 20 hour bus ride, hmmm!!
When we get to Cusco we will have to acclimatise ourselves again as we will be at the same kind of heights as we were in Quito, and that was quite tough going.
Once we are acclimatised we are planning on visiting the Macchu Pichu, we are a couple of lightweights though and are doing it by train rather than trekking up there.
After talking to a few other people who have done the trek it is quite difficult, and to be honest me and Matt are only day trippers when it comes to hiking!!
There are a few other things we are hoping to visit while we are down that way but I will update you about those as we go along.
The bus ride into Lima was extremely luxurious, we had massive leather reclining seats, blankets, pillows, TV, food and drinks.
It was a 9 hour drive but because the bus was so comfy it didn't seem that long.
The bus trip takes you right along the coast line (Pacific) so it was a really good drive, we were sat at the front though so we had white knuckles every time the driver overtook another bus or lorry as we could see everything.
There wasn't anything to worry about though as he was a safe driver, unlike the Ecuadorian one's who should familiarise themselves with the brake a little bit more!!
So we have have been in Peru almost a week now and really enjoying it,looking forward to seeing more of Lima tomorrow and really looking forward to Cusco as there is a pub there that does an English Sunday Lunch!!!
Matt has uploaded the pics now from Peru and also a few that we took on the bus from Ecuador across the border that are worth a look.
If they're a little bit blurred it's because they were taken from the bus window.
Ecuadorian bus drivers stop for nobody!!!


Anonymous said...

Great set of pics there Matt.
I can't remember the last time I
saw coast road so empty.Awesome.
No wonder we are all stressed out
over here.
Not a warden in sight either.:-)
Must be good at their job eh?
Looking fwd. to the next batch.
Michelle you could have got a cheap
tan with the shower water.
Good Blog tho'.
Dad xx

Anonymous said...

Michelle,I have just read on ITV
news site that Cameron Diaz is visiting Macchu Picchu shortly
you may see her,if you do tell her your dad enjoyed the film about the wedding.She'll know the one.

Michelle said...

Hiya Dad,
Yeah the pics of the desert are good aren´t they!
Kirsty how ugly is that dog!! especially compared to little Rocky Rocky!!
I´ll look out for Cameron while were up there, doubt she´ll look as weathered as us though!!
Do you think she´ll carry her own back pack or have an entourage/mule (Shrek)

Michelle xx

Anonymous said...

It was a TIC remark Mich.But yes,
she has an entourage of 9 people.
Pity you can,t afford a similar
outfit to carry your stuff around.I don't think she would
appreciate your 'rough and tumble'
style at the moment.
your doing real well.
Adios amigo's
Dad xx